Saturday, July 4, 2009


An artificial confinement, where the fetus was born through a insisi on the stomach wall and the wall of the womb with the conditions in the womb and the whole weight of the fetus above 500 grams.
1. section cesarean Classic: surgery in Sanger? insisi on the aft korpus uteri, about as long as 10 cm.
2. section cesarean transperitoneal profunda (supra cervicalis = lower segment caesarean section)? insisi with the segment below the womb.
3. section cesarean followed by histerektomi (caesarean hysterectomy = seksio histerektomi).
4. section cesarean ekstraperitoneal? without opening peritonium parietalis, thus not open the abdominal kavum.
5. section cesarean vaginal.
• section cesarean primary (effective).
Have been planned from the beginning that the fetus will be born in section cesarean, do not expect more normal births, for example, in the narrow pelvis (CV <8>
• section cesarean secondary.
In this case we try to be awaiting the birth of a normal (partus experiment), when no progress in labor or partus experiment failed, a new section cesarean done.
• section cesarean back (repeat caesarean section).
Mother on the pregnancy experience section cesarean (previous cesarean section) and in the next pregnancy is done seksio sesarea back.

• section cesarean histerektomi (caesarean section hysterectomy).
Is an operation after which the fetus was born with section cesarean, conducted directly by histerektomi because something indication.
• Operation Porro (Porro operation).
Is an operation without removing the fetus from kavum uteri (of dead fetus), and direct histerektomi done, for example, in the infection of the uterus weight.